Monday, April 9, 2012

From the Field

Professional pursuits dictate that I prepare to travel to Western Province of Kenya for field work.

As I write this I should be packing up and heading out to leave for the field, but I have to take the time to forewarn blog visitors of my potential absence for a while to come. Feel at home, feel free to read old posts! And comment! Still, I pledge regular updates.

Little Sister is giving me those "sad you're leaving" looks. Awwww.

Ah, Western Kenya. My idea of ample preparation is brushing up on my Luhya accent - not the actual language, just the accent will do. The eve of travel is too late to start learning a whole new language in any kind of depth.  I'll just refine the accent, misapply it to Swahili, unfold my map and it should go swimmingly on from there.

Roaming countryside villages in public transport appears in my head to be an idyllic pastime, historically reserved for Western Missionaries given up on their West. But I'm working here. It won't be all fun of course. Some people I know value an internet connection and cable above their own well-being (Good bye Twitter! Adios Facebook! yeah right!). While I'm out there in the boondocks I plan to be plagued by thoughts of my friends and worries of events in the big bad world and self-conscious of my perceived ignorance.

I'll try and get some soccer played. Also, I have to confirm if Western Kenya's famed night-runners-cum-witchdoctors really run naked at midnight. Which might take sleeping with my running shoes on. Yes, I'll try to give chase.

Adios, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in Western Kenya, and yeah, i'd sleep with the shoes on too if I were never know what might happen!!!


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