Monday, December 14, 2015
In the Area like Bacteria!
I can smell change in the wind. Big change. It's taking all my reserves of self constraint to not run away from it and bury my head in the sand.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Matchmaker Fail
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Surrender to Overcome
To overcome sin we must surrender to Jesus Christ. We can not do it, not by our selves. We may try, because the mind knows and the heart perceives that something is sin, but the flesh loves sinning. Any effort of ours to overcome sin by our own strength is defeated by our fallen nature, and is corrupted by a desire to establish our own righteousness - a miserable motive with dire results.
But thank GOD the Father for His Son Jesus Christ, who overcomes sin through His Holy Spirit indwelling in us, and lets us take the credit as overcomers! In truth it is not we who overcome, for we merely surrender our lives to One who conquered sin and death: the Lamb of GOD which taketh away the sins of the world. To be born again is to die to the flesh so that Christ may live in us, it is to surrender our lives (our very lives!) to One in whose keeping they are best placed, every day, dying every day, surrendering, because we know by faith that He is coming victorious, and in that Day it will be better to be found His servant than His enemy.
If there is any pride and stubbornness, then the old man of sin yet lives, and yet more dying and surrendering must needs be undergone.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Tuk Tuk Country
Image from |
Riding in the tuk-tuk is no glorious adventure either. It vibrates like a 1960s diesel generator, whether stationery or on the move. That vibration may tickle you or make your nose itchy especially the first time. The entire journey your bones will collide against one another and your nerves will wince. As though that were not enough, the drivers (riders?) have a penchant for finding potholes in the road and hitting them with suspicious relish. The initial impact judders the vehicle’s frame, throws all occupants into the stratosphere, and the descent also ends badly, with one’s bum forcefully rediscovering the thinly upholstered seat, and, depending on whether one was braced for it or not, one’s limbs colliding with the insides of the vehicle.
Now the insides of a tuk-tuk are a safety hazard all by themselves, the roof and sides being manifestly a meshwork of iron rods welded together, over which a tarpaulin is spread and fastened. Some painted iron panels make for a lower body and doors, which the driver (exclusively) knows how to push, slap and fasten the latch to open or close. The quality of welding of metallic parts justly earns condemnation, wrath and censure, because injudicious handling of those roughly welded and unsmoothed rods and panel edges could easily end in a cut, especially when the driver (rider?) swerves across the road just to throw everyone into a pothole or a bump. Funny thing is, you never hear the driver (rider?) exclaiming as all other passengers do at these jarring occasions. His right hand immediately wrings the accelerator, his eye scans the road for bumps, off we go again.
And the contraptions are hardy. If ever they topple over, as three-legged monstrosities are bound to do, the driver merely sets it right side up and continues as though nothing happened – assuming the unlikely scenario that the welding works therein did not mangle the occupants beyond help.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Attraction Differential
Let us telescopically zoom in on love and romance, the way modern culture depicts them. ( Not so close that we must stare at other people's displays of affection. Look in the mirror and you should see quite enough, thank you.) My view of the past presents me as an evangelical believer in the romantic tropes of back in the day. For example, The One: an exclusive soulmate figure with whom the matching agent is no less than Destiny and without whom there is no Happily Ever After.
With ideas like these filling my head I set out to search for love and soon thought I found it. But my instinct refused to believe the narrative I was forcing upon myself. I ignored the annoying instinct until one day it screamed out: "Love is not this way!" The attraction was compromised from the start by an unfortunate pink hue coming from rose-tinted glasses I was wearing at the time.
Let me explain myself; you see, attraction is a funny thing, it's like binary. When it's on, it's like two magnets close together, they slam into one another and cleave together. When it's off, nothing will happen, like preoccupied strangers in the street. Factors of attraction vary, from physical appearance to virtues and appealing character but there's got to be attraction, it's not magic.
The problem begins when romantic love is made the be-all and end-all of life and happiness, until misguided souls settle with insufficient attraction. The cart is before the horse. There may be other motives which do not qualify as attraction because they are only marginally related to the object of affection, like how the two of you will look, what others will think, other calculations, etc (which are given disproportionate weight despite only being by-products, side effects.) This is the real dynamic behind that oft-rehashed complaint now popularized by the movies: "I feel like you are in love with the idea of being in love and not in love with meeee!" **tears, and then an overdue break up***
In a lovesick mind, having to pep talk oneself every time before facing the partner is more tolerable than being alone. Consequently, these shut their eyes and ears from dissonant facts that indicate that they have been settled for, shielding themselves from the truth by going to extra lengths to obligate their partners to stay with them. But love is not this way. Granted, arranged marriages between total strangers have worked, which somewhat complicates my argument on the necessity of initial attraction. Never mind, I'll figure it out. All I'm saying here is, there's no faking love in a relationship, no matter how "romantic" it is made to look.
Why am I talking like this? How do I know? I've been that guy, I've been on both ends of an attraction imbalance, both settling for others when my options dried up and being settled for by others. One kind of feels a nagging pain in the instinct in either format. Unless an isostatic adjustment balances the inequality, which may not happen even with prolonged exposure, do not proceed by any means. Just wait. Keep your eyes wide open in the meantime.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
The Jesuit Teaching on Regicide, Murder, Lying, Theft, Etc
Society would become simply a herd of wolves, lawless, ravenous, greedy of each other’s blood, and perpetually in quest of prey. Even Jesuitism itself would perish, devoured by its own progeny. Our earth at last would be simply a vast sepulcher, moving round the sun in its annual circuit, its bosom as joyless, dreary, and waste as are those silent spaces through which it rolls."- The History of Protestantism Vol. 2, Chapter 5, The Jesuit Teaching on Regicide, Murder, Lying, Theft, Etc..., page 401
Monday, July 27, 2015
On the Brink of Bliss
Monday, June 22, 2015
Struggle is Real
I struggle with sin. What I need to do is overcome in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells me the blood of the Lamb is a complete cure and I choose to believe the Bible.
Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. But sin? I see what harm sin has wrought in my life and am grieved. For while Christ yet loves me, if I cling to sin my reaction is to run away from Him and hide.
Sin alienates me from my fellow man as well. My love grows cold, I forget the good feeling of selfless service and look only to my own affairs even to the expense of others. Sacrifice becomes to me a repulsive idea. Pride puffs me up and I am ignorant that the swelling is due to my own internal putrefaction!
I struggle with sin. I need to overcome in Jesus' name.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Review: Cross and Crown
I'm currently reading the book Cross and Crown. It details the last moments of notable Protestant martyrs of the Alps, of France and of England. These people were persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, exiled, enslaved and died for their faith despite being offered many opportunities to recant and be set free. Their love for Bible truth exceeded their love for their own lives and so they risked and lost everything while spreading the Gospel of Christ.
The book is excellent for its message. The accounts narrated therein of individual and collective martyrdoms are heartrending for the cruelty of the persecutors and inspiring for the bravery and endurance of the martyrs until their dying moments. If this book does not moisten your eyes even a bit, nothing will.
The prospect of persecution may seem remote today, but the lessons that may be learnt from these people's accounts are very important to our generation. There is danger in forgetting history. Many reforms that have come down the ages to be taken for granted in this day were dearly purchased by the blood of martyrs. For example, "freedom of information" as we know it today may never have come about but for brave children of GOD who resisted tyrannical censorship to print, translate and disseminate Bibles in the common languages. Nor would we speak of freedom of conscience except many had shed their blood taking a stand for it.
This is an era of great light, and great will be the repercussions of turning away from it, thereby slighting the sacrifice Christ's saints (following His divine example) made to secure it.
But many will face persecution in days to come. will we stand in the face of public hatred and universal ridicule, imprisonment, or even death? Others have done it before. Their blood was seed.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
The man of sin appears as an angel of light
What's wrong with justice? Justice is good. What's the problem with charity? Charity is excellent! Unity is ideal! But the question is, where do justice and charity come from?
Or rather, do we human beings have our own internal reserves of justice and charity from which to draw? Or, contrary to this idea, is there a greater Source outside of ourselves, which is really the highest Standard of justice and charity?
I'm not splitting hairs here but dividing between truth and error.
Now the Scripture says no good thing comes out of man, but the pope says every man has intrinsic goodness.
According to the pope if everyone unites on the basis of human nature (intrinsically good) they will form a kingdom of GOD (deputized by the pope) and the thing will be blessed by GOD.
According to the Scripture if everyone unites on the basis of human nature (sinful by default) it will be to rebel against GOD (worship the beast and receive his mark) and this will earn GOD's wrath (seven last plagues).
We also have the testimony of history, to test these contesting propositions with. Will you believe the Bible or the pope? One certainly speaks askew. Many of the popular spiritual leaders (and pop stars and politicians and scholars) are choosing the pope's side of the controversy, in many not-so-obvious ways, every passing day.
There is no justice and charity (or virtue, generally) but that which comes from GOD. He is revealed in his Word (both Christ and the Bible.) Therefore correct doctrine is not the fly in the ointment of world peace; rather, it is the knowledge which is a savor unto life for those who look for it as for water of life, avoiding the dry broken cisterns of false teachings. Separation naturally arises, the division is a present precursor of the chasm that will separate the sheep from the goats in the great Day of the Lord. What a day that will be! Are you preparing to stand in that day?
But the "charity" and "justice" peddled by the pope are counterfeits which would turn our eyes away from the character of GOD. It is much like the secular world "legalizing love" by opening the door to LGBT marriage. It is a redefinition of love, a turning upside down of GOD's blessed order, indeed, a rejection of GOD's love by defiling the gift. "License they mean, when Liberty they cry." Sodom and Gomorra also "legalized love" (at least de facto) without scrupling over what GOD declared abomination as opposed to what he blessed and sanctified. While they looked forward to endless days of unbridled pleasure, a hail of fire and brimstone awaited the day their iniquity was full.
What is the basis of unity? The putting away by churches of doctrinal differences for unity constitutes a sacrifice of truth for whatever ends envisioned (at least for some of the consenting parties), so that any union that arises thence is founded on commonly held lies. If unity was the glorious end that justifies such a means, then why hasn't anyone thought of this before, to round up all the fish in the religious seas into one orderly ocean where no troublous extremist fundamentalist species may disturb the peace? Indeed just that has been tried in the past. History calls that period the Dark Ages, when the Papacy claimed authority over all living souls in the known world as far as her hand could extend, persecuting "heretics" who did not embrace her doctrines, unseating self-willed rulers, martyring many, rich or poor, who obeyed their own consciences according to the Word of GOD, conducting lucrative traffic in the very souls of men by her monopoly of the keys of heaven and hell. Truth being set aside for unity, it became a time of great superstition and ignorance on a grand scale; misery and disease were rampant, but the Church remained a wealthy, hard and cruel steward over the masses in bondage to her false doctrines, by which she extorted their very lives and livelihoods. Only with the Protestant Reformation did an enlivening essence animate the societies previously fastened in her iron grip. And what was the Protestant Reformation all about? The inerrancy of Scripture, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, separation of church and state. Then, with the much vaunted yet cannibalistic unity collapsing, real progress resumed her onward march in history after a hiatus spanning centuries.
Today we see the pope arising in the public esteem to popular status fuelled by his image of a humble man, a pope of the people who champions wide-ranging reforms in church and world with conviction. Amidst all the brouhaha let not sight be lost of the danger. He downplays the role of Scripture and magnifies the role of the Church over which he is the head. And the world has been bullied into the position where she is again ready to sacrifice freedom of conscience for "peace" and "unity" under pretexts like "justice" and "charity". Such a step will represent a massive backward leap for mankind, whose results will baffle belief to see, because GOD Himself will signally disapprove of it.
Contrary to public declarations on the part of deceived and deceiving apostate church leaders, the Protestant Protest is not over. "Great numbers of influential preachers abandoning the Protest for worldly acclaim wholesale doth not a Protest over make!" It only means they are not Christ's, for if they had been His, they would not have gone away from Him. Expect to see much more of the same as the issue gathers steam.
As for the Protest, it will continue as long as there is deception, for GOD's Word stands eternally against the devil's lies. The only thing that will end the Protest is when its opponents are finally silenced forever and truth alone remains supreme. Then there will be nothing in all GOD's creation for us to protest against.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
On Beatification
“It is the most impudent of all impudence to affirm that to be a part of Christianity which Christ never taught.”
Martin Luther
Any true Protestant (one who believes in the Bible alone as a rule of faith) should immediately be disquieted by a series of question marks when they encounter this curious ceremony.
1. Who is a saint? Has the Catholic church authority to canonize saints?
2. What is the state of the dead? Are they conscious in afterlife, or asleep in the grave?
3. Can the dead intercede for the living? (Can the living intercede for the dead!?)
4. What role do miracles play in a believer’s faith?
The bitterest enmity against GOD’s kingdom is not to be found in the ranks of sworn Satanists. Rather, counterfeit Christianity fabricates an elaborate series of decoys that masquerades as the real thing. Paganism in the guise of Christianity, like a wolf in sheepskin, betrays the Son of man with a kiss. Paganism simply defined is the worship of the creature more than the Creator.
Counterfeit Christianity is actuated by the same spirit as paganism. While the human heart is naturally awed by scenes of beauty and themes of grandeur, being proud it lacks the humility to ascribe the glory to GOD and rather prefers to view the object itself as intrinsically glorious. Romans Chapter 1. This is the root of idolatry. Satan knows this – idol worshippers really worship Satan. Therefore his counterfeit has just enough religiosity on the surface to be called Christianity. But the substance is the same lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life that lays aside judgment and ignites in the heart of man veneration for legendary and monumental false gods of doubtful virtue. The seduction once complete blinds the deceived worshipper to the inefficacy of rites painstakingly observed, even while enchaining the supplicant to a useless round of ceremonies impossible to be understood, being rooted in lies and fables, whose end is destruction.
The history of sainthood in the Catholic church is fraught with controversy. In the early days of the church, the Catholic church made many compromises with the pagan religions in order to attract more followers. One of these compromises was the inclusion of pagan dieties into their worship, except that these false gods were “baptized”: renamed and retitled as “saints!”
Apostasy is like the descent of heavy bodies, it proceeds with ever-accelerating velocity. First, lamps were lighted at the tombs of the martyrs; next, the Lord's Supper was celebrated at their graves; next, prayers were offered for them and to them; next, paintings and images began to disfigure the walls, and corpses to pollute the floors of the churches. Baptism, which apostles required water only to dispense, could not be celebrated without white robes and chrism, milk, honey, and salt. Then came a crowd of church officers whose names and numbers are in striking contrast to the few and simple orders of men who were employed in the first propagation of Christianity. There were sub-deacons, acolytes, exorcists, readers, choristers, and porters; and as work must be found for this motley host of laborers, there came to be fasts and exorcisms; there were lamps to be lighted, altars to be arranged, and churches to be consecrated; there was the Eucharist to be carried to the dying; and there were the dead to be buried, for which a special order of men was set apart. When one looked back to the simplicity of early times, it could not but amaze one to think what a cumbrous array of curious machinery and costly furniture was now needed for the service of Christianity. Not more stinging than true was the remark that "when the Church had golden chalices she had wooden priests."
James Aiken Wylie, the History of Protestantism, volume 1
The righteousness of men is as filthy rags; it avails nothing to themselves much less to others, only the righteousness of Christ in man constitutes the kingdom of GOD. A saint is anyone who has Christ enthroned in their heart and life. Yet Rome would have men regard and venerate fallen dead men rather than the Savior. The army of intercessors which Rome would interpose between humanity and Jesus Christ and GOD the Father, spanning millennia since Mary until Irene Stefani, with more doubtless to come, serves only to obscure Christ from view.
Besides, these “saints” are dead, unconscious and therefore incapable of hearing anything, much less prayers to them; which even if they could hear (an unwarranted speculation!), they would grieve for their utter inability to do anything with, and would cry sorely for the dire delusion of their petitioners in targeting prayer at them, even prayers to them to pray for them to the Father.
The idea that one’s prayer to GOD for forgiveness needs to be pushed through and by dead “saints” is reprehensible. It calls GOD’s character into question by depicting Him as a hard wrathful avenger only to be placated by the intervention of a dedicated galaxy of austere dignitaries pleading tirelessly on the sinner’s behalf. No, rather GOD himself in His word promises to us that whosoever seeks after Him with the whole heart shall find Him, also that He is afflicted with the feeling of our afflictions. His terms to accept us are our repentance of sins, to turn away from them, but the doctrine of dead saints praying for us non-stop seeks to relieve us of that burden of sacrifice. The attitude is “Let them be praying for me as I go off and live my own life, that will work.”
Truly the need for repentance remains, for our sins have separated us from GOD. But the only one who can mediate our reconciliation with GOD is One who paid with His own blood the penalty our sins demanded. No one else in the entire universe dare stand in that gap but the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Go to Him with your heavy burdens and He will give you rest.
Nor does Rome’s superimposition of unworthy and incapable intercessors stop at the veneration of dead saints to the work that is Christ’s alone. By the use of priests who hear confessions and claim authority to absolve sinners, a great blasphemy is perpetrated, an attempt to usurp a prerogative of GOD alone – the forgiveness of sins. In truth the sins thus confessed remain unforgiven and the conscience rests carelessly in the shadow of a fellow sinful mortal human. This mindset emanates from the apex of that idolatrous system whose head titles himself the Vicar of the Son of God; in layman’s language the “deputy of Jesus Christ on earth,” a lofty imposture rebuked in Scripture, whose perks include the keys of heaven and hell. Strong delusion!
Many have lent support to this beatification without understanding its background. Of the army of dead people that the Catholic Church declares to be saints worthy of interceding for sinners before GOD, none are actually doing that, for they are dead. Nor would sainthood thus attained confer any special intercessory obligation or capacity on anyone as only Christ can intercede for humanity before the Father in that sense. This is why our prayers are said in Jesus’ name – He alone is perfectly God and perfectly man; he having been tempted as we are and yet overcoming in all points is a worthy representative, he presents His own blood for our justification. Between Jesus and His followers the bond is close and personal, real by faith. Come boldly before the throne of grace. Pray more, pray always, pray directly to Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
But communication with the dead is abomination before GOD. The dead cannot communicate with the living – it is impossible. Yet even here Satan erects a lie. What happens is that evil spirits impersonate the dead person’s voice and appearance so that they may mislead the living that they are hearing instruction from ‘the other side’ whereas it is the league of fallen angels beaming doctrines of devils at them. Saul’s experience at the medium of Endor, when he called up ‘Samuel’ from the dead, is a warning to others in this respect. The whole class of people who claim to be able to communicate with the dead, summoning underworld solutions for temporal problems, are an abomination before GOD, because they are really in advanced talks with Satan and his demons.
ISAIAH 8:19-20 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and mutter: should not a people seek unto their GOD? For the living to the dead? To the Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
Nor have we seen the worst of this spiritualistic assault from the demon world. Prophecy testifies that in the last days evil spirits will play a leading role in deceiving the world’s political and religious leaders to unite in rebellion against GOD in forming the image of the beast by Sunday legislation. At that time the Spirit of GOD will be withdrawn from the earth, and men will be left to the control of the evil spirits they have allowed to deceive them by rejecting the truth. Only these evil spirits will likely manifest as dead saints and departed luminaries of ages past bringing ‘wisdom from beyond’ which will contradict GOD’s Law.
In short, let us repudiate the veneration and intercession of the saints. Look, I hold nothing against the woman they canonized, I never knew her. She’s just as dead and ineffective as all the other “saints” they pray to/through. Satan would like to take advantage of people’s ignorance of their privilege and responsibility to pray for themselves in Jesus’ name. Just you be certain the whole idea that anyone other than Christ is in heaven praying for sinners is a pleasing fable. It is one of many false teachings in that blend of doctrines Revelation calls “the wine of Babylon’s fornication.”
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Love versus Passion
But if the sense of touch whereby mankind is propagated seem such dear delight beyond all other,
think the same voutsaf’t To Cattel and each Beast;
which would not be to them made common & divulg’d,
if aught therein enjoy’d were worthy to subdue the Soule of Man, or passion in him move.
What higher in her societie thou findst attractive, human, rational, love still;
In loving thou dost well, in passion not, wherein true Love consists not;
Love refines the thoughts, and heart enlarges, hath his seat in Reason, and is judicious,
is the scale by which to heav’nly Love thou maist ascend,
Not sunk in carnal pleasure,
for which cause among the Beasts no Mate for thee was found.
(John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book vii)
Apology: I edited the paragraph to align by punctuation. Makes for easier reading than the original.
Here John Milton argues that love is superior to carnal lust ("passion") because mankind has great capacity for reason and emotion than the animals, hence a greater scope for the exercise of love. All other animals can partake of carnal relations but for man to settle for that baseline is to sell himself short. It's quite relevant in this age of overhyped melodramatic romance (also "passion") which is really only confusion in a nice dress. The passage actually tells men to love the aspects of their better halves that are attractive, human, rational, but not to abandon the reins of judgment to "passion." Sound advice?
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Should We Then Make Mirth?
...Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?
8 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,9 Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the LORD; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished:10 It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my Son, as every tree.
1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,:1-16Indeed. Not peace, but a sword.
2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD;
3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!
4 O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts.
5 Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD.
6 They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.
7 Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?
8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye have spoken vanity, and seen lies, therefore, behold, I am against you, saith the Lord GOD.
9 And mine hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD.
10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter:
11 Say unto them which daub it with untempered morter, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it.
12 Lo, when the wall is fallen, shall it not be said unto you, Where is the daubing wherewith ye have daubed it?
13 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury; and there shall be an overflowing shower in mine anger, and great hailstones in my fury to consume it.
14 So will I break down the wall that ye have daubed with untempered morter, and bring it down to the ground, so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, and ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
15 Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have daubed it with untempered morter, and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither they that daubed it;
16 To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Escape Plan
Prophecy in Revelation predicts the seven last plagues that GOD will pour upon the inhabitants of the earth who will accept the mark of the beast. The plagues will be worldwide, there will be no place to escape from them except to be one of GOD's sealed remnant, who GOD himself will protect and sustain by His powerful hand.
These are the end times; we shall behold strange sights as momentous events transpire in heaven and on earth.
A recent post discusses how Proverbs chapter 2 points to that time of plagues, when probation will have closed for all humanity ( there will be no more forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ's High Priestly ministry, which is the only valid channel for justification before GOD.) This will be the prophetic day (year) of GOD's wrath prior to Christ's second coming.
There will be no pre-advent rapture by which Christians will be providentially removed from the trouble (as many blind guides teach). These days of grace are granted us that we may prepare our hearts, resolve our wills, refine our characters to pass through the days of persecution and martyrdom ahead of us. Those saints who will live to see the plagues will have to live SINLESS lives (there being no more Intercessor in the Heavenly Sanctuary) at that time, though hunted as outlaws by the laws of menm. See Revelation 14's description of the 144,000. Is it possible to be sinless? By the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, yes.
But now, today, is the time to be fetching oil for our lamps, parting with sin, whilst our great High Priest still intercedes for us with His own blood before the Father. Now we should confess, repent, pray and read the Bible as never before, redeeming the time, for it is short.
The world today is embroiled in a man-eat-man struggle for survival. It is easy to get carried away. The love of many has waxed cold. For love of money, greed of gain, many would do anything to be rich above everything else. So rampant is this grasping selfish spirit that many believe that once they make "enough" money they will be free from troubles. It is a collective delusion of the majority, that money buys happiness, that wealth can be a shield in the day of affliction, that luxury is peace of mind.
Wealth indeed is a blessing, from GOD, no less. But what brings a curse, other than a blessing ungratefully misused and perverted? But if the blessings with which we are blessed were used in blessing others, we would then be blessed indeed from all sides.
Life is more important than possessions; having food and clothing let us therewith be content.
The multiplicity of fault lines on the planet is becoming more apparent as they widen and multiply. It is a necessary feature of the struggle for limited resources amongst natural mankind. Consider how the xenophobia in South Africa took a bloody turn. I wondered who they would start killing when all the "foreigners" left (or died) and the inequality still persisted. One fears when one considers scenarios like Kenya's almost forgotten Post Election Violence of 2007-2008. Such is the spirit of war, that Outside Enemies can easily be made of foreigners, other races, other tribes, other clans, other families, neighbours and even kinsmen. There is no abiding solidarity amongst the selfish. It is one of the many unsavory traits of the last days generation.
Inequality has become a dividing line causing worldwide unrest. Even in Kenya the recent allegations of grand corruption, bad enough as they are all by themselves, have additional unhappy outcome of polarizing the country between the eaters and the eaten. When the people see corruption so blatantly carried out in high places, they themselves feel justified in cutting corners in their own integrity to get ahead, or getting even somehow. Everybody suffers eventually, yet retribution must come, because all actions have consequences.
The Bible makes it clear that wealth is no escape from troubles. Jesus warned against the deceitfulness of riches. James chapter 5 says (paraphrasing) in the day of GOD's wrath the wealthy wicked will find that there is no escape any more. In that day, no matter how wealthy they will be, their wealth will be useless. Many will find after long years spent accumulating luxuries that they are unavailing of comfort against the plagues.
Picture it, the plagues wreaking havoc in the neighbourhood of a fabulously wealthy man, so that he can obtain neither peace nor safety, good health or clean water by any means. He boards his private jet with a stash of valuables looking to fly off to somewhere cooler. Getting there after long hours of flight over desolate waste lands, finds the occupants of his presumed paradise preparing to fly off to some other resort destination coz their home conditions are just as uninhabitable as the ones their guest has fled. This is just an imaginary scenario to illustrate that in that day there will be no place on the earth where the plagues of GOD's wrath will not be in full force. It will be worldwide.
But before that day comes, first, the mark of the beast. In fact that mark is what will trigger the seven last plagues, when every living soul will have decided for or against it. Do you know it? Are you ready? It is a weighty decision, because accepting the mark of the beast will earn the wrath of GOD (plagues) and rejecting the mark will earn the wrath of the beast (persecution, imprisonment, death.) With this in mind only one question remains: in the Great Tribulation, why will you suffer? Not whether, for all will suffer, but why? Will you suffer for doing right of for doing iniquity? For following Jesus or for worshipping the beast?
Friday, April 24, 2015
Satan's Weapons of Mass Destruction - Introduction
Proverbs 1:17 "Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird."
Proverbs 26:2
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The Close of Probation (in Proverbs!?)
Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:
She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Out for weeks
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Middleman Mentality
Is not exactly in the heights of power but certainly anoints oneself with administrative duties.
Monopolizes channels of information. "All inquiries go through me. I will give you feedback."
They screen all comings and goings to protect their interests within the group, therefore they need the oversight role, with minute invasive micromanaging.
Very territorial about their perch on the big shot's shoulder so they may repeatedly parrot their agenda.
The undertone in their over-enthusiastic rhetoric is such: "Everybody owes the success of this endeavor to my neurotic meddling. This endeavor is my middle name."
While the team's success is to their credit, failure has nothing to do with them (you know, their "advice" was not followed properly, etc.)
They will balkanize the group to get themselves ahead via staged conflicts. They will vilify innocent bystanders to knock them down and become heroes.
They will not be sorry.
Monday, March 9, 2015
First Love
when one couldn't live without the other,
that the love was spontaneous, unrehearsed;
honest, unschooled by hurts;
awkward, hence unfeigned;
One remembers ideal love
(or imagined it to have been thus
before second thoughts came along):
That the terrain was uncharted,
pristine, wild, beautiful, perilous;
so that one marveled and feared,
as wonders and horrors from either's mind
took colossal strides that shook your worlds;
one held fast to one's own mutually vulnerable other,
in turn was held close in pain or pleasure;
one's collateral was one's own heart,
one held nothing back
When one meets one's first other,
one mumbles mundane weather updates;
yet one imagines, one quietly fancies,
wishfully, unjustifiably,
that one knew the other perfectly
first loved and was loved
as none other ever will
Because when that perfect chapter ended
both devoted the rest of their lives
to protecting themselves
from losing it again
by never finding it
(Or so one dreams.)
Friday, March 6, 2015
Do or Die
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Sleeping Watchmen
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did you see? (image from |
10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
11 Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
12 Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.
watchmen - shepherds of the flock, spiritual leaders
blind, ignorant - clueless
dumb dogs wont bark - will not warn of danger, seeing none ("sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber")
"fetch wine, ...fill ourselves with strong drink" - wrong doctrine, false teachings
"tomorrow shall be as this day" - there is no danger; eat drink, and be merry.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Experiment to simulate seriousness
We were in church. She sang with the choir, led the congregational singing and served me chapatis generously at lunchtime.
Still it had to be tried.
Service ended. I waited until she was alone – her friends encircled her constantly, those coming replaced those leaving in a constant stream. Popular girl, what could I do? It seemed she would never be alone, therefore I turned my attention to others, lastly lost myself in the crowd among familiar faces. At some opportune time when she was the last thing on my mind, the crowd before me parted and behold, her, standing alone at last, apparently looking for someone.
The moment had come. I zeroed in with the straightest face I could muster.
“I know you, but you don’t know me.” Saying this revived the mental concept of my mischief and I broke into a wide smile.
“You know me?!” she repeated, in consternation, as if a new and grievous injustice had stormed against the universe by surprise. She looked perplexed. Fearful, even. I have that effect on strangers.
I geared towards the punchline. “Yeah! I even know your name.” At this point, the smile I had on, it was all I could do to not burst out laughing.
“You know my name!” she echoed.
“You are called Lupita, right?” Of course she wasn’t, but I tried to look serious, earnest, dead sure, a bit arrogantly, like one merely expecting confirmation, not correction.
She burst out laughing and walked away visibly amused.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Caps Lock
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This guy got caps lock. |
Monday, January 5, 2015
No January Resolution
We learnt a lot. We always learn alot; they mostly teach us the same lots of stuff with a little variation. Still I attend every year, because, left to his own devices, a guy forgets, a guy backslides. This year the light from the Scriptures was particularly bright. Yet it was not all paradise. As always the food and accommodation was scandalous. But that's not why we were going, so let's lay that aside quickly.
Also the Ambassadors (age 16 to 20 or thereabouts) I found to be utterly insufferable. Maybe I'm the one who's growing old and grumpy. But the young ones these days are radiating too much heat and very little light. I know I was once that age but...
Okay I'm off topic. The point here is I don't want to be that guy who's always going and listening to the word of GOD and not practicing it. Let's not be those people. GOD help us.